Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tobacco, strawberry is a carrot!...planted out a bunch of stuff today!...

My grow closet full of newly planted seeds
Hey, guys, time for a quick I planted a whole bunch of tobacco seeds and got my grow closet really full of potential new plants for my spring garden!...I'm going to keep some of the tobacco plants inside and compare the indoor tobacco with the outdoor tobacco plants and see which are better.
My "strawberry" that I posted a picture of in an earlier blog post turned out to really be a carrot seedling! I am using the soil from my previous carrot harvest so I guess a seed got mixed into the soil and decided to sprout. I haven't been having luck with these strawberry seeds I bought on ebay... I bought the tobacco seeds from a Canadian company so let's hope the tobacco seeds sprout better. I'll keep you updated!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

tobacco seeds arived today.......chek it video...

ok guys got a tobacco seeds video out on welcome to check it out and subscribe...join and share some videos too if you feel like on the link below....

Tobacco and Morning Glory seeds! arrived in record time!

Tobacco seeds (left) and Morning Glory seeds (right)

Today I got my tobacco seeds in the mail. I bought them from a Canadian company located in Barrie, Ontario called Providence Acre Farm. I was surprised at how fast the seeds arrived. I only ordered them three or four days ago! And on top of that, they sent me a free bonus -- morning glory seeds! Today I will be planting the tobacco seeds so that I get a head start on the growing season. Tobacco seeds are sown directly on top of the soil and watered with a spray bottle until they germinate. It takes anywhere from 7 to 27 days for them to germinate. They should be about 5-6 inches tall before they are planted outside in the garden after the last frost. They will grow just about anywhere and the tobacco plant will adapt to the terrain and weather of most places and will produce seeds hardy to that climate. I plan on trying to make my own cigarettes, and I heard that tobacco plants repel bugs in the garden. So we'll see if that's really true this summer. Anyway, I'll keep you updated...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

First of the strawberries is germinating!...

Look at that tiny strawberry plant...

Well it's official. I now have some strawberry seedlings starting. So I moved them out of the little mini greenhouse and put them under the 90w LED UFO grow light! It looks like I'm right on schedule for preparing my spring plants to go into my garden in the park. I hope to have an abondant crop of berries all summer long. Well I'll keep you updated.

update!....summer time lemon looks a bit sick ...

My lemon with some yellow leaves.
My 5 gallon buckets ready for the transplanting

My lemons have been looking a bit yellow lately so I have tried to figure out what the problem might be. I am currently going to wait till the soil dries and then I'm going to transplant the summertime lemon into the 5 gallon buckets (as seen in the picture above) to try and eliminate the possibility that the tree might be root bound. and I raised the LED 90w UFO light higher to see if the light was too close to the plants. So in the next couple of days I will be monitoring the summertime lemon and hopefully I will find out what the problem is. If you have any info or you know what the problem is, feel free to subscribe and leave a comment or idea. I'll keep you updated.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I harvested my carrots and was the video...

Carrot harvet video!

for those of you who like to watch videos on youtube check out my videos i have a bunch of them realted to gardening indoors and outdoors... just type into the search box - growboy123 and you will see all my videos. or click on the link below to watch the harvest!...

My babies have GROWN!!! lemon update...

My summertime lemon at around 7-8 months old

one of my younger lemons under the CFL
 Measuring my summertime lemon

Today I decided to post an update about my lemon trees, so I decided to measure my summertime lemon tree to see how much it grew in the last couple of months. It is standing at around 14 inches. on January 4th 2011 the tree was standing at 6.5 in about 2 months it's grown almost 8 inches! 
Today I also took a few photos of the younger lemons that have also grown a few inches since my last update. The younger lemons were approx. 3.5 inches on January 4th and in two months had grown to  8.5 inches.  (4 inches of growth in about two months!) I also have some other good news... the summertime lemon is now the perfect size to graft it. I would like to graft it now but I need branches from a mature fruit producing lemon tree, and because lemon trees dont grow outside in Toronto I'll have to wait till late spring or early summer to get my hands on some graftable mature lemon trees from the local nursery. So in about a month or so I'll show you how to pick good grafting trees from the local nursery and how to do the grafting.

Friday, March 18, 2011

My newest addition....

Pear and apple seeds drying
freshly planted strawberry seeds

 pastry container turned into mini green house
Today in Toronto it was unusually warm, about 15c to be exact and it felt like spring and served as a reminder to get a head start on the growing season. I planted a bunch of strawberry seeds in small pots and put them in the container (seen in the picture above) to keep them moist. I ordered my tobacco seeds today, virginia gold tobacco to be exact. I'm hoping they will arrive in time to germinate and grow them to about 6 inches before I put them outside. I also started to get some pear and apple seeds ready, and am now in the process of drying them. The apple and pear trees will not go out into my guerilla garden till next spring (2012) because I want them to have a year to grow in height and be strong so that when I do put them outside no animals step on them or something like that.

I see avocados in my future!

My avocado seed cracking and roots

After three months and after deciding to give up on my avocado seeds, i had one last glance, and to my surprise one of the seeds was puting out roots and had cracked in several places! I wanted to mention that very early on after puting the avocado seeds in water I noticed that the part of the avocado seeds that were submerged turned a dark color (as seen above) and it looked like mould was growing on them. At first I thought uh oh is this sapost to be hapening? But instead of cleaning them off I decided to just hope for the best and leave the seeds be. Now that one of my seeds is germinating I'm pretty sure that the mouldy color does not afect the prossess, so dont worry if your seeds look a bit mouldy. How ever I dont think its good if the roots are dark and mouldy so watch out for that. I predict that in about another month there will be visable leaves on my avocado seed and then it will be time to plant it in soil and move it to its new home....the grow closet! i will keep you updated.